defoDAQ Scripting
defo.wait(int delay); pause execution of script for delay seconds
defo.message(message); print a message to the message log. Message can be of type int, uint, double or string.
defo.newMeasurement(); prepare DAQ for a new measurement
uint defo.uTime(); returns the current unix time
uint defo.mkUTime( int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second ); constructs and returns a unix time from the provided parameters.
defo.slack(message); post a message to slack.
int keithley.state( uint channel = [0,9] ); returns the state of a sensor.
double keithley.temperature( uint channel = [0,9] ); returns the temperature reading of a sensor.
string keithley.temperatureAsString( uint channel = [0,9] ); returns the temperature reading of a sensor as a string.
keithley.waitForStableTemperature( string channels, int timeout ); wait for stable temperatures on the selected channels. wait at most timeout seconds. Channels are to be provided as 'space' separated list of integers.
keithley.waitForTemperatureBelow( uint channel= [0,9], float temperature, int timeout ) wait for the temperature reading of a channel to be above a certain temperature. Wait at most timeout seconds.
keithley.waitForTemperatureAbove( uint channel= [0,9] , float temperature, int timeout ) wait for the temperature reading of a channel to be above a certain temperature. Wait at most timeout seconds.
conrad.enablePanel( uint panel = [1,5] ) switches on a panel.
conrad.disablePanel( uint panel = [1,5] ) switches off a panel.
int conrad.panelState( uint panel = [1,5] ) returns the status of a panel.
conrad.enableCalibrationLEDs() switches on the calibration LEDs
conrad.disableCalibrationLEDs() switches off the calibration LEDs
int conrad.calibrationLEDsState() returns the status of calibration LEDs
camera.comment( string text ) sets the comment text for the picture acquisition. the comment text will not be cleared after an picture has been taken
camera.takePicture() take a new picture
camera.setNumberOfPictures(int count = [1,5] ) changes the number of pictures taken per measurement
int camera.numberOfPictures() returns the number of pictures taken per measurement
julabo.enableCirculator() switches circulator on
julabo.disableCirculator() switches circulator off
int julabo.circulatorState() returns the state of the circulator
julabo.setWorkingTemperature( double temperature = [-50,30] ) set the working temperature
julabo.workingTemperature() returns the working temperature
julabo.bath() returns the bath temperature
- returns the safety temperature
julabo.setP( double xp = [0.1,99.9] ) set new proportional PID controller parameter
julabo.setI( int tn = [3,9999] ) set new integral PID controller parameter
julabo.setD( int tv = [0,999] ) set new differential PID controller parameter
julabo.setPID( double xp = [0.1,99.9], int tn = [3,9999], int tv = [0,999] ) set new PID controller parameters
double julabo.getP() returns proportional PID controller parameter
int julabo.getI() returns integral PID controller parameter
int julabo.getD() returns differential PID controller parameter
julabo.setPumpPressure( uint pressure = [1,4] ) changes the pump pressure
uint julabo.pumpPressure() returns the pump pressure